RAF flying gear : combat use
Underneath you'll find some examples of possible flight gear combinations as used by aircrew.
Left: RNZAF zippered ear helmet with RAF D Type oxygen mask fitted with a type 21 microphone and a pair of Mk III goggles, 1940.
Right: Side view of the same display, post Battle of Britain era.
RNZAF zippered ear helmet with AM issue Mk III goggles and D Type oxygen mask.
Same display as aboce but with Mk IV b goggles, 1941 to early 1942.
RAF tropical D Type helmet (first pattern) with E* oxygen mask and Mk IV b goggles. This type of headgear was worn by flyers in North Africa, the Medditeranean theatre and the CBI.

RAF early C Type helmet (second pattern) with E* oxygen mask and Mk VII goggles (second pattern), as typically worn in 1942 - 43.

White FAA flying helmet with G Type oxygen mask and a pair of Mk VIII goggles, around 1944.